Finding the Path
Finding himself stuck at home with nothing but time on his hands, Michael turned to cooking and other food projects to distract from the increasingly stressful world. One of the many projects that began during this time was learning all about fermentation; the science behind it, the benefits in flavor and in gut health.
Having always been a spice enthusiast and wanting to perfect fermenting, it made perfect sense to begin fermenting peppers for use in sauces. It wasn’t long before the cupboards were overflowing with jars of hot sauce and the obvious thing to do was give it away to friends and neighbors. This is when the path began to take shape…
Over the year, batch after batch, the sauces were improving and recipes were being honed in. Still, making this a business wasn’t a reality or, even a well formed thought. It was a fun hobby turned passion and, a distant dream that one day it could be a business. That was until Mrs. Camp pushed the idea into the ring and gave full support. Without this push, Camp’s Kitchen would never have been born and so, it’s only fitting that Mrs. Camp now takes the job title of Chief Cheerleader.
After several months of planning, learning how to scale up fermentation and slowly ticking off the boxes, Camp’s Kitchen was finally launched with a line of 4 fermented sauces and a long list of recipes in development. This has been an evolving journey and, as it continues, we hope to provide our customers with the best small batch, handmade sauces, condiments and foods in the UAE.
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.